Legal Rights and Protection

In order to recognize discrimination at work or school it is important to understand your legal rights. Unique federal and state laws exist to protect indviduals with Diabetes.


Please use this section to explore various laws and accomadations that must be granted to Diabetes patients.


School Bill of Rights for Children with Diabetes

Children with Diabetes require special care to remain healthy. This care must be maintained at schools.

Federal Laws

Children with Diabetes have certain rights to care based on the Individuals with Disability Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Written accommodations and plan of care under federal law (Section 504 or Individualized Education Program (IEP)) are the best way to insure a Diabetic child's needs are met.


All schools receiving Federal funding must comply with IDEA and Section 504.

Diabetes National Institute is a campaign against diabetes and a community effort to enrich the lives of people with diabetes. Learn about our mission.


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