Join Our Upcoming Events!

Diabetes Tech Seminar



Advances in Closed Loop Insulin Pumps



iLet Bionic Pancreas, Omnipod 5, TSlimX2, Medtronic


When: Sunday, October 27, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Where: Virtual Zoom meeting

ID to enter: 844 4771 4439

Diabetes Tech Seminar Flyer
Download the flyer for more information and contact details.
Diabtes Tech Day Final DNI 10-27- 23.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [101.0 KB]

A Miniature Golf Party!!

For School Age Children with Diabetes

Fun with Pizza, Games, and Golfing!


Diabetes Youth Group of Medstar Georgetown University

When: Sunday, November 10, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 3:30pm

Where: Monster Mini Golf, 9116 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Cost: FREE


RSVP by calling Barbara Runner at (202) 243-3560 option 5 or

Golf Flyer
Download the flyer for more information and contact details.
Golf Flyer , 2024 Nov 10 dnipdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [173.5 KB]

Important Update!!


New Drug May Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes in Your Other Family Members




Learn what this drug can do for family members at risk for Type 1 diabetes

When: Sunday, December 8, 2024

Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Where: Virtual Zoom Meeting

ID To Enter: 813 6437 6423

Update Flyer
Download the flyer for more information and contact details.
Tzield teplizumabdrug.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [21.3 KB]

Past Events

Laser Tag Party for School Age Children with Diabetes

Diabetes Youth Group of Medstar Georgetown University

When: Sunday, June 2, 2024

Time: 1:45pm - 3:30pm

Where: Ultrazone Bailey's Crossroads, 3447 Carlin Springs Rd, Falls Church, VA


Diabetes Youth Group Event: Free Bowling Party!

Have your child meet and have fun with other children with diabetes who are experiencing the same challenges!

When: Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 

Time: 12:45pm - 2:30pm

Where: Bowl America, 140 South Maple Ave Falls Church (703 534-1370)

Bowling Party Flyer
Download the flyer for more information and contact details.
Microsoft Word document [356.0 KB]

recent events

Zoom Games

VIrtual Halloween Party!!

Join the DNI in celebrating Halloween together with this ZOOM activity. 
This event is free and open to all. 
So what's it going to be?
Trick or (healthy) treat?

All who join will recieve gift card courtesy of DNI!

Phantom Ball 2021

The Phantom Ball is one of many fundraiser events that the DNI is organizing. We understand that many people don't like to attend these events which is why we created it. The money donated will help us to cover the expenses of free events we offer such as field trips, camps,  educational diabetes seminars, and recreational activities for children with diabetes and their families like our upcoming laser tag and mini golf fun happenings. Click on the image for more  information! Also the money donated will help to support important diabetes research.

Diabetes Tech Day

Virtual Type 1 Diabetes Tech Day.

Join us for a FREE seminar where representatives from the following companies will present their latest diabetes products: Dexcom, Freestyle Libre2, Tandem, Omnipod, Medtronic,  InPen.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

rsvp to or click on the link below.

Pizza Party

***Free event***
Must RSVP to Barbara Runner at (202) 243-3560 option 5 or DM us on Facebook

Recent Events

Free Seminar

Learn how to prevent  diabetes from controlling your life!
Join us  for a free seminar on Saturday,December 7th!
Click on the image for some more information and free online registration!


Phantom Ball 2020

You're invited, please dont  come!


Laser Tag

Make friends with other kids experiencing the challanges  of diabetes!
Click on the image for some more information and free registration!




Indoor Mini Golf

For school aged kids and teens with diabetes.


SUN, MARCH 22, 2020.



Maryland, exact location will provided with RSVP.

Zoom Game Meeting!

Join us for a Zoom game meeting to make new friends and show your diabetes knowledge. This Friday - Novermber 13 3:00-4:00 PM and Tuesday, December 4:00-5:00 PM. Follow us on Social Media for more information!

More recent events

"Phantom Auction" 2019 - Thank's for partaking!

Charity Silent Auction - Ended

Thank's so much to everyone who donated, participated in and helped organize our silent  auction!!


Thank's to your support we have been able to raise over $1500 so  we can continue to provide free services and create a warm and supportive atmosphere where people with diabetes, their families can engage, learn, and build a greater understanding of diabetes.






The “Diabetes National Institute’ (501C3,  EIN 52-2184099 ) will be hosting the ‘Phantom Auction’  to create better lives for children with diabetes.
Please click on the link below to view our auction items.


All proceeds from the auction to create better lives for children with diabetes in our community through the Medstar Georgetown University Hospital.





Phantom Ball 2019 

You're Invited Please Don't Come.

Feb 5 - Dec 1

Learn how to prevent diabetes from controlling your life!
Join us for a free seminar on Saturday, December 7th and learn how to control your blood sugar when playing sports.
Hear about the latest loop systems, artificial pumps, glucagon that can be given through the nose without a shot and CGM that could  last for months!
Check out  our  facebook page event for some more detail and free registration!

Cick here to attend!



Stay connected with us on social media for some more details and future events.





Diabetes National Institute is a campaign against diabetes and a community effort to enrich the lives of people with diabetes. Learn about our mission.


Donate through Paypal

Please click on the image above to help through PayPal.

For Workplace Giving

CFC# 60349

Please click on the image above to donate through CFC.